Live Chat Bot

Updated by Jenny Young

What is it?

This chatbot can send a welcome message to your site visitor. Any Response will be routed to live chat. You can even have the message look like it was sent from a specific agent.

How to set up:

  1. Bot management > Select Add New Bot (top right corner)>fill out the chatbot name and description> Create bot
  2. Set your bot's welcome message. Best practice: Ask a question visitors can respond to. If sending a message from an agent use wording that has more of a human touch like, "Welcome to your site! I am available if you have questions."
  3. Select from the drop-down who you want the message to be sent from
  4. Click the button "Route to a Single Agent" to set up routing rules. If you have a message sent from an agent typically you will want the same agent routed in.
  5. Don't forget to save!

Live Chat Bot Audience

Your Chatbot's audience needs to be set up in PlayRunner. You can do this using the branches to determine who you want the bot to fire to. For more information, go to our HelpDoc on Launching a Bot in PlayRunner.

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