Live View

Live View

The live view feature allows users to view and initiate chat with visitors who are currently on the site.

To access live view:

  1. Navigate to the Agent Chat section
  2. Open any conversation from the list of conversations
  3. Click "Live View in the top right corner of the screen (to the left of the availability toggle)

Map View

Only site visitors in the United States will appear on the map, but the total count in the top left corner will count international visitors as well.

List View

The list view provides a list of all visitors on the site (including international visitors)

Note: From Live View, you can initiate conversations with site visitors one by one. Keep in mind, automated bot CTA's get 1-2% engagement over time. This means that 98% of messages sent by bots are ignored. Even if your personalized, agent-initiated CTA's are really awesome and double the engagement rate of your automated bots, you're still going to send a lot of messages that don't get any engagement.

Best Practice: Only use the agent-initiated chat if you know the site visitor by name and have a relevant, personalized message for them.

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