Column Definitions

Dashboard Column Definitions and Sources

Questions about the data showing on the dashboard? You've come to the right place 😁




Company Name and Logo


Signals pulls this information from a third party, and refreshes every 6 months (rebranding may not be reflected in Signals in the meantime)

Account Type


Account Type is pulled from CRM.

Note: Signals syncs with CRM every 24 hours around midnight Mountain Time. Account-level changes in CRM will be reflected in Signals after this nightly sync.

Total Visits


This counts total page visits from this company in the past 30 days

Last Visit


The timestamp of the most recent activity from a contact at the account. This includes page views, conversations, calendar drops, meetings booked, live chat conversations, and content page views.



The number of contacts for this company stored in the Signals database.

Note: Signals doesn't pull contact data from the CRM, so this will not necessarily reflect the total contacts you have for a given company.

Note: Contact records are created in Signals when a site visitor provides an email in a bot conversation or when contacts are prospected through PlayRunner

Opp Status


The opportunity status in CRM. Options are No Opp, Open Opp, Closed Won, and Closed Lost.

Note: Signals syncs with CRM every 24 hours around midnight Mountain Time. Account-level changes in CRM will be reflected in Signals after this nightly sync.

Opp Amount


The dollar value of the opportunity in CRM.

Note: Signals syncs with CRM every 24 hours around midnight Mountain Time. Account-level changes in CRM will be reflected in Signals after this nightly sync.

Signals Score

CRM + Signals

Calculations based on the following 7 factors:

Page views, conversations, unique visitors, emails captured, live chats, meetings booked, and CRM status.

Contact support for an in-depth calculation of Signals score.

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