Accounts Overview

Updated by Zoe Ngan

Accounts Overview

This guide provides instructions on how to navigate and use the Accounts tab.

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1. Introduction

In the Accounts tab, you can track and maintain information regarding accounts or companies, including industry, employee count, annual revenue, and any custom data you want to track. This is helpful for you and your chat agents to have more information available to them about your web visitors.

2. Configure account sync

To configure an account sync, click on "Configure Account Sync" in the upper right corner of the page. This modal will pop-up. Turn on account sync, set up ownership rules if necessary, then click "Force Sync."
Configure account sync

3. Search for accounts

To find a specific account, use the search function in the upper right corner.
Search for accounts

4. Select individual companies to gather contacts for

If a particular account interests you, you can manually select it (or you can select multiple accounts), then hit "Gather Contacts" to do a search for contacts within that company that match your buying committee.
Select individual companies to gather contacts for

5. Add filters

To add filters, click on "Filter."
Add filters

6. Select filters to apply

The available filters will pop-up on the right side of the screen. Select the filters you'd like to apply, then exit by clicking on the "x" or anywhere on the screen. Your filters will save automatically.
Select filters to apply

7. Export a CSV

Use the "Export" button on the upper right to export a CSV.
Export a CSV

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