Filters and Saved Views

Filters and Saved Views

Customize the data on your dashboard using filters, then save those filters for easy future viewing.

Using Filters

Follow these steps to add filters to your dashboard views:

  1. Click "Filter" in the top right corner
  2. In the dropdown menu, select the filters you wish to see. For example, if you want to see only accounts that are owned by Lindsey, you could click "Account Owner", then select Lindsey from the multi-select menu.
  3. Click "Apply Filters" in the bottom right corner of the dropdown menu.
  4. Navigate through the different tabs. The filter view will still apply to each of the four existing tabs, but now you'll only see those companies who match both the criteria for the tab and the filters that you have added.
  5. To clear filters, click "Filters" in the top right corner, then in the bottom left corner of the dropdown menu click "Clear Filters".

Adding/Saving Filter Views

Follow these steps to add a new saved filter view:

  1. Click "Filter" in the top right corner, then click the icon with three lines and a "+"
  1. In the pop up modal, give your view a name and select or update the filters
  1. Once you've selected all desired filters, click "Save" in the bottom right corner

Accessing Saved Filter Views

Follow these steps to access your saved filter views.

  1. In the top right corner, click the dropdown arrow next to "View"
  1. Select a view to apply those filters to your dashboard
  2. Select "Edit" to update your saved view
  3. Click the "Create Scheduled Email Update" icon to create an email update for this filter view (for more information, see this article)

Setting a Default View

Follow these steps to set a saved filter view as your default:

  1. Click the star icon next to the filter view that you want to set as your default. Your default view will be applied every time the dashboard loads.

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