Conversation Review

Updated by Zoe Ngan

Conversation Review

This guide will explain how to mark conversations as reviewed.

Go to

1. Go to "Chat"

First, log in to your Signals account and navigate to "Chat" in the left sidebar.

Go to 'Chat'

2. Check the box here:

Click any conversation to view all conversation history and details. In the list of all conversations, the conversation you are currently viewing is highlighted in dark grey, and a checkbox that says "Review" appears in the top right corner.

Check the box to mark the conversation as reviewed.

Check the box here:

3. Click here

Once checked, a purple check-mark will appear even when you navigate away from the conversation. You should review conversations regularly to:

  • Discover opportunities to optimize your bot messaging

  • Ensure interested visitors don't slip through the cracks

  • Understand what questions your site visitors have that aren't already being served by automation

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