Email Capture Settings

Updated by Zoe Ngan

Chat Settings: Email Capture Settings

In email capture management, you can edit which domains the system should define as spam, personal, and blocked.

Go to

1. Click "Settings"

To begin, click on your Profile in the bottom left corner, then click on Settings.
Click 'Settings'

2. Go to "Email Capture Settings"

Click on Chat Settings, then go to Email Capture Settings.
Go to 'Email Capture Settings'

3. Navigate to "Add Domain"

To add a domain, navigate to "Add Domain" in the upper-right corner.
Navigate to 'Add Domain'

4. Add email domains

In the subsequent pop-up, either type in domains manually, or upload a CSV. Click "Add Domain."
Add email domains

5. Click "x"

To remove a domain from one of these lists, click the "x" on the domain's record.
Click 'x'
To find a domain on one of these lists, click the search icon in the top right corner and type the domain.
Use search

7. Same rules apply here

Do the same for Personal and Blocked domains at the top of the screen. The same rules apply.
Same rules apply here

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