Whitelist Domains

Updated by Zoe Ngan

Installation: Whitelisting Domains

This guide will walk you through how to whitelist your company's domain in Signals.

Go to app.getsignals.ai

1. Click on your Profile.

First, click on your name in the bottom-left corner.
Click on your Profile.

2. Navigate to "Settings"

Navigate to Settings.
Navigate to 'Settings'

3. Click on "Chat Settings"

Select Chat Settings.
Click on 'Chat Settings'

4. Select "Chat Settings" again

Select Chat Settings again.
Select 'Chat Settings' again

5. Click on "Domains"

Go to the Domains section.
Click on 'Domains'

6. Approved Domains

Under the 'Signals website domain approval list' section, type the domain name and hit enter. Be sure to take out "https://www." and anything after ".com".
Approved Domains

7. Blocked Domains

Under the 'Blocked Domains' section, enter domains you would like to exclude from your dashboard. This could be your domain you whitelisted, as well as others you'd like to exclude.
Blocked Domains

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