Company Profile

Updated by Zoe Ngan

Company Profile

This video explains how to access and edit the Company Profile section.

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1. Introduction

The Company Profile section of your account is only visible on the public profile pages for users in your organisation. Your public profile page allows users to create a unique link that displays their contact information.

Check out our HelpDocs titled My Settings: Profile to learn more about this.


2. Click "Settings"

To start, click on your Profile on the bottom left, then click "Settings."

Click 'Settings'

3. Go to "Company Profile"

Go to the "Company Profile" tag.

Go to 'Company Profile'

4. Use the pencil icon to edit

To edit a field in your Company Profile, click edit icon (pencil graphic) for the section you want to change.

Use the pencil icon to edit

5. Hit "Save"

Make sure to select the “Save” icon at the top-right of the page after you make your desired edits.

Note: Any changes you make here will affect all users within your organisation.

Hit 'Save'

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