Installation Troubleshooting

Updated by Zoe Ngan

Installation Troubleshooting

This guide will walk you through how to troubleshoot installation issues if your bots aren't firing as expected.

Go to

1. Click "Settings"

First, begin by clicking on your Profile in the bottom left corner, then clicking Settings.

Click 'Settings'

2. Go to "Installation"

Go to Org Settings, then select Installation from the dropdown.

Go to 'Installation'

3. Navigate to "Troubleshooting"

Navigate to the "Troubleshooting" tab.

Navigate to 'Troubleshooting'

4. Paste domain

Paste your domain in the "Installation Troubleshooting" field, then hit "Check page" to the right. We'll scan the site and highlight any errors it finds.

Paste domain

5. How to fix the errors:

  • Approved Domain: ensure that your domain is listed in the Signals domain approval list without "https://" (do include "www." if applicable)

  • Code Installed: refer to our Installation HelpDocs for help installing Signals script on your site

  • Code Matches Exactly: if the code has been altered in some way, the bot will not be able to fire.

How to fix the errors:

6. How to fix the errors:

  • Bots are Enabled: this should only be green if you have at least one "Fire Bot" skill active in PlayMaker.

  • Visitor chat is turned on: with visitor chat turned off, no chatbots will be permitted to fire from your Signals instance anywhere on any domains you have Signals installed on.

  • Prompt will not always display: refers to the Chat Icon Display Settings, which allow you to choose whether you want the chat prompt to display always, only during company availability, or only when the chatbot fires.

How to fix the errors:

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