Email Query Strings

Updated by Zoe Ngan

Email Query Strings

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1. Introduction

Email Query Strings help you create contacts and track web activity when recipients of your third-party email campaigns click through your emails to your site. This will allow you to pre-fill forms with their details, tailor bots to recipients of certain email campaigns, and more.

2. Click "Settings"

To start, click on your profile in the bottom-left corner, then click Settings.
Click 'Settings'

3. Go to "Email Query String"

Navigate to Org Settings, then go to Email Query String.
Go to 'Email Query String'

4. Select "Add Field"

You can use link tracking to pre-fill forms by mapping key fields from your email provider to Signals. Select "Add Field" to map the fields you want to be brought into Signals from your email provider. Each of the fields below will need to be contained as a merge field in your email to be brought into Signals. You can delete fields by clicking on the "x" button next to each Signals field.
Select 'Add Field'

5. Copy tracking string

After mapping, copy the string below and add it to the end of any links in your emails. Make sure your tracking string comes after the query parameter indicator "/?". If your links have other parameters then make sure to link the parameters properly with an "&".
Copy tracking string

6. Determine IQL rules

Contacts will be created for visitors who click on tracked links in your email and meet the criteria you set here. These are classified as IQLs. Set stricter criteria if you want to avoid creating contacts for visitors who bounce. Select an integration and a campaign/list to send these contacts to. You can add more than one.
Determine IQL rules

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