Managing Saved Replies

Updated by Jenny Young


Saved Replies help you and your agents respond to chats quickly, and answer frequently asked questions.

 This support page will explain how to manage your Saved Replies, including adding, editing, changing the priority of, searching / sorting and deleting your Saved Replies.

For more information on Saved Replies check out these articles:

Accessing Saved Replies

To view a complete list of your Saved Replies to create new Replies, or change priority level, go to: Settings > My Settings > Saved Replies

Adding Saved Replies

You can create new saved replies in chat or from My Settings-Saved Replies. To add a new Saved reply in your settings:

  1. Click "Create Reply"
  2. Fill out empty fields for your saved Reply: Title, text(what you want your message to say), Category for saved reply(this is optional), and visibility(Yourself or company wide).
  1. Don't forget to save!

Editing and Deleting Saved Replies

To edit or delete your saved reply, click the menu icon(three dots) to the right of the saved reply you want to change, and select "Edit Reply" or "Delete".

Changing Saved Replies priority order

To easily find Saved Replies that you use more frequently you can update the priority order. To do this click the drop down under priority and select the new number you want to assign that saved reply.

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