View Contact Details

Updated by Zoe Ngan

View Contact Details

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1. Click on the contact

To view a specific contact record, click on the contact's name. This will open up a new tab with the contact's information.
Click on the contact

2. Edit cards if necessary

Edit the contact's individual or company information if necessary. Click on "Edit" in the upper right corner of each info card.
Edit cards if necessary

3. View Contact Activity

View the contact's recent activity here. The activity recorded include chat conversations, web pages viewed, etc. If you click on "Last 30 days," a drop-down menu will appear with the additional options: activity within the last 90 days or within the last 6 months.
View Contact Activity

4. Click here to pull up a summary

In addition to seeing each aspect of a contact’s history, you can view a summary of their activity history. To do so, select the “Summary” icon at the top-right corner of the activity section. Most of these statistics are pretty straightforward, but to clarify, first source refers to the traffic source data associated with this contact's first visit to your site, while last source refers to the traffic source data associated with this contact's most recent visit to your site. Like contact activity, you can change the date range to see activity from the last 30 days, last 90 days, and the last 6 months.
Click here to pull up a summary

5. Manually sync to an integration here

If you need to manually sync the contact to your CRM, click the associated integration button to the right of the contact's name. The button will turn green when successfully synced.
Manually sync to an integration here

6. Delete or follow a contact here

To delete or follow a contact, click on "Delete" or "Follow" at the top right corner of your screen. If you choose to delete the contact, you will be asked to confirm your deletion in a pop-up window.
Delete or follow a contact here

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