Google Analytics Integration

Updated by Zoe Ngan

Google Analytics Integration

The Google Analytics integration allows you to sync Google Analytics account with Signals.


First, let’s grab your measurement ID from your Google Analytics account. Navigate to your Google Analytics account by going to: .

Once logged in, you’ll click on the drop down near the top left corner of the screen. This will list all of your current properties. Within the Admin tab of your Google Analytics property, you will find your measurement id in the data streams section. The measurement id follows this pattern: G-XXXXXXXXXX.

Keep this number for the next step. If you don't see a number that resembles this pattern, you may want to refer to Google's support pages.

2. Click "Integrations"

Click on your Profile in the bottom left corner, then click on Integrations.

Click 'Integrations'

3. Go to "Google Analytics"

Go to Google Analytics.

Go to 'Google Analytics'

4. Input your Tracking ID

Input your tracking ID, then click the save button to finish with the sync.

Input your Tracking ID

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