Automated Email Updates - Dashboard

Automated Email Updates - Dashboard

Follow these steps to create a new automated email update for a dashboard view

  1. Click the dropdown arrow next to "Filter" in the top right corner of the dashboard
  1. Click the "Add Email Update" button next to the Filter View you want to receive updates about

The following modal will appear:

  1. In the pop-up modal, give your update a name. This will appear as the subject line of the emails.
  2. In the "View" field, select the saved view you want to receive updates for
  3. In the "Report" field, select which of the default tabs you want to use for the report
  4. In the "Email Frequency" field, select the intervals at which you want to receive this email update. Your selection of daily, weekly, or monthly frequency will prompt additional options.
  5. For Recipients, you can quickly select team members who are in Signals from a dropdown menu and add any additional team members outside of Signals as well by entering their email. Any recipients external to Signals will have the option to unsubscribe without creating a new user in Signals or requesting an existing user to remove them.

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