Chatbot Roster

Updated by Jenny Young

Chatbot Roster

Your Bot Roster is where you can create and manage your existing chatbots. You can get to this page by:

  1. Clicking Engagement
  2. Then Select "Chatbots" from the Dashboard
  3. Then select "Roster"

Creating a New Bot

Creating a new chatbot is easy!

  1. Just click "New Bot" in the top right-hand corner.
  2. Then Select Bot Type and Edit Skills
  3. Save, View and edit incomplete skills

For more information check out the article How to Build a Bot.

Edit Chatbots

There are four different ways you can access your chatbot to edit.

  1. Double click on the chatbot's name
  2. Click the menu button(three dots) to the right of each chatbot Description. Then select Edit
  3. Click into a Chatbot, and then select the edit pencil icon in the top right corner
  4. Lastly, if you are in PlayRunner:
    1. Click into a play that has a bot
    2. Open the Fire bot Skill
    3. Select the button, "Edit in Bot Builder"

Deleting a Bot

Deleting Chatbot is also easy. Click the menu icon(three dots). Then select "Delete" to permanently remove a Chatbot from your Bot Roster.

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