Desktop Application

Updated by Jenny Young


The video below will guide you through installing Signals as a desktop application.

Creating a Desktop Application (Windows) 

you can follow these steps to create a desktop application on windows: 

  1. From your account dashboard, Click your browser settings dropdown.
  2. Select " More Tools " from the menu that appears.
  3.  You will then be given the option to click " Create Shortcut "

Your new desktop application will now automatically appear on your desktop, if clicked on, a new tab will open directly to Signals!

Creating a Desktop Application (Mac) 

you can follow these steps to create a desktop application on windows: 

  1. From your account dashboard, Click your browser settings dropdown.
  2. Select " More Tools " from the menu that appears.
  3.  You will then be given the option to click " Create Shortcut "

After you have previewed the icon and set the shortcut name Instead of automatically showing up on your desktop like on windows, The new desktop app will automatically populate a window called " Chrome Apps ". Once you can see the Icon in chrome apps, Drag it from that window- to your desktop.

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