Based on web visitors’ browser cookies and IP addresses, the system captures information about web visitors, allowing you to more optimally chat with web visitors. This information is saved in the Contacts tab. You can use this Contacts tab as a customer relationship manager (“CRM”) tool, where you can edit and add information about web visitors, leave notes about the contact, view their activity, and more.
This page explains how you can navigate the Contacts tab and use the features within this tab.
General Information
When you first access the Contacts tab, you will see an overview of your contacts.
This includes information on:
Contact’s name
Source Icon: How the contact was generated Self-sourcedOR Contact Discovery in PlayRunner
Company name
Lead Score
Date Added
Last Seen
Origin Play
Added to: If you have the contacts added to your CRM or enrolled in a marketing campaign from Palyrunner.
Note: To view more details on a contact click the contacts name and a new window will open. To learn more about viewing contact details check out this help doc.