ABE Live Chat


The ABE Live Chat Bot is a chatbot that provides a personalized experience for your highest priority accounts. This bot presents a single message to web visitors that they can respond to, but the message is sent from the site visitor's account owner. When a visitor responds, their account owner will be routed in for live chat.

To create an ABE Live Chat Bot, you can follow these simple steps: 

  1. Access your account 
  2. Toward the top-left portion of the page, select the Bot Management Tab 
  3. Select the “Add New Bot” icon toward the top-right portion of the page 
  1. Select the ABE Live Chat Bot icon 

There is only one setting to configure in the ABE Live Chat Bot - the welcome message. 

Welcome Message 

To configure your welcome message, in the first textbox of Message Settings, simply type the welcome message you want to appear to you web visitors: 

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