Conversation Rating Skill

Updated by Zoe Ngan

Conversation Rating

The conversation rating skill is a question skill with a twist.

Go to

1. Click "Ask visitors for feedback on their chat experience"

Instead of presenting buttons, keywords, or a free response to the visitor, this skill lets visitors respond on a scale from 1-5. Use it to measure customer satisfaction, enthusiasm, or intent.

Insert a conversation rating skill into the builder.

Click 'Ask visitors for feedback on their chat experience'

2. Set up your skill

Edit the skill to customise the message text and select the rating type. You can also check the box to ask the visitor for detailed feedback.

Set up your skill

3. Click "Rating prompt"

Click on the rating prompt for feedback.

Click 'Rating prompt'

4. Exits:

The three exits from a conversation rating skill are the following:

  • Dissatisfied Rating (1-2)

  • Neutral Rating (3)

  • Satisfied Rating (4-5)

Remember that all of these exits must connect to another skill in the bot-builder to prevent errors in the chatbot.


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