Question Skill

Updated by Zoe Ngan

Question Skill

In this section, we will cover how to set up the question skill and customise how visitors can respond, whether that be using buttons, keywords, or free responses. In addition, we will cover how to map responses to contact attributes to help send information the bot collects to your CRM.

Go to

1. Click "Question"

Start by inserting a question within your question skill.
Click 'Question'

2. Button Responses:

Question skills provide three different response types for your visitor. (1) Buttons (2) Key Words and (3) Free Responses. With the Buttons, you provide options for how a visitor can respond to a question.
Button Responses:

3. Fill out responses:

Fill out "What response do you want to let the visitor to choose from?" Do this by typing the response in "Enter Button Text" and hitting Enter or the Purple add button.
Fill out responses:

4. Click here to rearrange your button order

You can rearrange the order of your buttons by dragging them. You can also edit you buttons by typing directly into the text box.
Click here to rearrange your button order

5. Keyword Responses

Another response type is Keywords. Keywords are a great solution if there are too many options to type individual buttons. To visitors, the question is a free response and based off of their response, the bot will identify keywords and provide a response.
Keyword Responses

6. Keyword Groups

From the drop-down Keyword Groups, checkmark your desired groups or create a new group using the black "+" on the right. You will be prompted to add keywords in the pop-up modal that follows.
Keyword Groups

7. Free Response

Free response allows visitors to type their response and send it to the bot. This is a great option if you want the web visitor to leave a message. For example, you could say, "I am connecting you with an agent now. What is your question while you wait?" this will give your agents more context when they join the conversation.
Free Response

8. Mapping responses:

If you enable the feature "map response to contact attribute," the web visitor’s response will be automatically saved as a value for the contact field you select from the contact information drop-down. For example, if you ask the question "What is your full name?" you can use free responses & check the box to map responses to contact attribute. Select "full name" from the drop-down menu.
Mapping responses:

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