Tag Conversation Skill

Updated by Zoe Ngan

Tag Conversation

Conversation Tags are vital for organisation, tracking, and reporting. They create data points that can be assigned to a conversation automatically by bots, or manually by chat agents.

Go to app.getsignals.ai

1. Drag and drop "Tag Conversation" into the bot flow

Effective conversation tags allow you to see trends in your back-end data, use default reports, and quickly filter your Chat menu. To start, insert a tag conversation skill.
Drag and drop 'Tag Conversation' into the bot flow

2. Apply tags

Edit the skill to select the tag(s) you want to apply
Apply tags

3. Create new tags here:

If you do not see the right Conversation Tag, you can create one with this button. After saving your new tag, remember to return to the skill's edit modal and select it from the drop-down menu.
Create new tags here:

4. Uses

When you have placed your Tag Conversation skills appropriately in your bot(s), you can use them in (1) filtering the chat menu, (2) conversation data exports, and (3) the Reports dashboard.

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